Eligible enterprises and industry associations are invited to express their interest in offering work placements and hosting apprentices. This invitation extends beyond the initial call in March 2024, which focused on Refugee Hosting Districts (RHDs). The current request is for enterprises across the country. Eligible sectors/trades include:
  1. Tourism and hospitality (hotels, lodges, restaurants, cafes, catering, tour operators, travel agencies, and art and craft);
  2. Food and agro-processing (beverage production, bakery and confectionery, dairy processing, and snack food production) and commercial farming (dairy, bull fattening, piggery, poultry, rabbits);
  3. Leather and tanning;
  4. Hair dressing and Cosmetology (hair salons and beauty parlors);
  5. Tailoring and textiles (tailoring, sewing and embroidery, fashion design);
  6. Welding and metal fabrication;
  7. Electrical and electronics (renewable energy, electric distribution, electronics repair services, electronics retailers);
  8. Construction (plumbing, painting, masonry, plastering, roofing, tile setting, carpentry and joinery);
  9. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) including digital media;
  10. Manufacturing;
  11. Culture and creative industries
  12. Automobile maintenance and repairs.
  13. Any other related businesses.
Shortlisting Criteria
  1. Should be operational in the targeted priority trades mentioned above.
  2. Demonstrable experience in the relevant industry.
  3. Possession of adequate, competent, and experienced staff to mentor apprentices
  4. Possession of adequate infrastructure, facilities, and tools for hands-on learning.
  5. A good track record of business growth to provide apprentices with successful stories and experiences.
  6. Understanding of Environmental, Gender, and Inclusion policies of the Government of Uganda and the World Bank.
  7. Experience in hosting apprentices and other forms of work placements will be an added advantage.
Support Provided by GROW Project: The GROW project will cover the costs related to apprentices’ monthly stipends. Application Process Interested Enterprises and Industry Associations that meet the above criteria should complete the Application Form for Registration as Work Placement/Apprenticeship Provider.  The Completed form may be delivered in person to the GROW Reception on 3rd Floor Gender and Labour House, or by mail to growproject@mglsd.go.ug or by courier services.  However, no liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery. DOWNLOAD HOST-INSTITUTION APPLICATION FORM

Host-Institution basic Information

Physical Address

Location of Host Institution/Industry

Registration and Capacity

Employee Status

Provide the total number of employees with the following qualifications:

Provide number of workers both male and female under the above categories

Enter the Numbers

Trade/Sector of Operation

Choose the priority trades/sectors the enterprise/company is interested in offering

Work Placement/apprenticeship Courses to offer

State the Module Code / Activity and Duration in Days

Partnership and Willingness

Business Size and Stage

Business Success Record

Capacity and Mentorship

Experience in Hosting Apprentices

Environmental social, Safety and Health

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