The Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project is a Government of Uganda Project, funded by the World Bank, implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and the Private Sector Foundation Uganda in all districts, Municipalities and Cities. It aims at increasing access to Entrepreneurial Services that enable female Entrepreneurs to grow their Enterprises from micro to small and small to medium in targeted locations, including the host and Refugee districts.

Targeted beneficiaries

Female owned enterprises (including 3,000 refugee-owned business)
0 +
Women entrepreneurs & employees (including 42,000 refugees and 14,000 host community members)
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Indirect beneficiaries, including family members, communities, suppliers, service providers, and distributers of women enterprises products.
0 Million

Project Components

The project comprises a package of integrated services under four components. The package of services aims at empowering women entrepreneurs to grow and transition from micro to small or from small to medium and improve their productivity. The project is implemented through four components and their accompanying subcomponents.

Latest Stories

GROW Events

August, 2024

Launch of the GROW Loan

Venue: Hotel Africana

August, 2024

Call for Expressions of Interest for Women Entrepreneurs Work Placement

Venue: Major Newspapers , Radios and TVs

Implementing agencies

FUNDING Partners

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